Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Trek 3700

It had been weeks since I had been persuading dad to get me a loaded bike, Firefox or Hercules. The problem was not that he was worried about the bike and its sky high cost, he seemed to be more skeptical about me riding it blazing fast in city traffic and hurting myself, but I managed to ensure it to dad that I will adhere to the "speed limit", strictly. And guess what, I got a Trek! Yes I actually got a Trek bike, the base model, which I got costed as much as the second highest bike Firefox has on its list.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The news and the problem

There is a good news, I am getting a new bike, maybe Firefox, lets see.
I am researching if it has any problems.
But the concept of biking itself has a problem, it is the way it is took in India. I am brainstorming and finding more information on the issue, soon a post on that.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Its a sport, a passion and you save the earth too!

Its cool, when you can say you went 300 km on your bicycle on a 5 day tour to the hills.
And I really don't know why it has not caught up in Chandigarh, when we have so many wonderful places surrounding us. For a reality check on biking in India, check out Bangalore, the silicon valley of India is also the biking capital of India, well, nearly.
You think biking (read cycling) is down-standard, then better check these sites out to come to terms with reality.

You want to see techies who can't stop biking? Head here

Its not just commuting, though switching to bicycles for commuting is the next best thing, its more about the feel of it, you just can't beat the feel of being on your own with your bike and traveling through mountains and hills and exploring, nothing else even comes close.
You can feel the breeze on your face, you can sense the immenseness of nature and if you get some friends along, its magnified fun!

Chandigarh Pedals
Project Biking ~ One for the Biking Spirit

P.S.- Bike here does not refer to the fuel guzzling motorcycles, it refers to the ones where YOU are the fuel, Bicycles.
Links above do not affiliate this blog, nor does this blog affiliate those, till I can contact the owners. This blog is inspired from the content on the blogs above and the name is derived from "bangalorepedals" blog.
Views here are just flowing thoughts and the truth I know of, if you think any part of it is against your views or against what you view as truth, do leave a comment or mail me.